15 Cat Hill, East Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN4 8HG

    Opening Hours Friday 10:30 to 6:00 Lunch 1:00 till 2:00

    Saturday 9:30 to 6:00 Lunch 1:00 till 2:00

    Photographic ID with proof of address is required for entry


    020 8440 2974

All in stock 19 October 2024
All new Shotguns 20% discount.
Used Shotguns 50%
12 Bore O/U Shotguns
Beretta 682 Trap 30" £895-00
Beretta 682 Trap RH
Beretta 682 Trap LH
Beretta 1200F, 5 Shot, 2 3/4" Mag , 28" Barrel, 1/2 Choke
This guns shares some design features of the Benelli M1
Beretta 1200F RH
Beretta 1200F LH
Beretta 301, 26" 2 3/4" Half Choke 3 Shot,2 3/4", £220-00
Beretta A301 RH
Beretta A301 LH
Beretta AL 390, 3 Shot, 3" Mag , 28" Barrel, Multi Choke
AL 390 RH
AL 390 LH
S.T = Single Trigger, D.T = Double trigger, EJ = Ejector,
NE = Non Ejector
FC =Fixed Choke, M.C = Multi Choke